Funding your education doesn’t have to be confusing. Learn about the forms needed to apply for financial aid, types of financial aid, important deadlines, and more.
Regular, Early Decision and Transfer Student Financial Aid Applicants
Here you can access financial aid applications, including the FAFSA, CSS Profile, and IDOC, as well as other downloadable financial aid documents.

Find important deadlines and helpful information to help you complete each financial aid form. Remember — if you’re an Early Decision applicant, your deadlines will be earlier than for Regular Decision. If you're a transfer student, funds may be limited, so be sure to meet deadlines.

Students must apply for financial aid every year, so make sure you submit your applications and documents on time.

If one of your parents works at Holy Cross, you may be eligible for tuition remission from one of the 26 Jesuit schools participating in FACHEX, the Faculty and Staff Children Exchange Program.